The weekly perspective

One question to ask yourself

Is this event about the experience or about the food?

As I watched the outpouring of posts reminding you to enjoy your easter this weekend, I was struck by the reality that many of the fitness coaches telling you to do this, were themselves unable to give themselves the permission to take the day off work, enjoy a bit more flexibility in their food and exercise. I remember that being me, it's certainly not a judgement of them or their choices. But I wanted to slip in (well lubricated & joyfully) to remind you that these life moments are about the collective experience, including food (because it is not, and has never been, just fuel), but also including connection, joy and presence. 

Journal on this - does food take away from my wholehearted experience of life? What can I do to change this? What's stopping me from doing that?

One thing I'd tell my younger self


Don't measure your life success by someone else's ruler


When you do (which you will), you'll never feel enough. You'll work to achieve something you don't even want. You'll be unable to align yourself with your values. You'll be left feeling discontent, and be unsure why. Just because they want to take over the world, doesn't mean you have to. Just because they want kids by the time they're 25, doesn't mean you have to. Know your own markers of success.

Journal on this - what are my markers of success? Am I working towards them? Or am I looking outwards to others, and aiming to achieve what they have, simply because it's the logical goal?

Something to consider

"You'll know they're the one when there's no fear" - Dolly Alderton"

I heard this quote on a Katherine Ryan podcast recently (I often make life decisions thinking, what would Katherine Ryan do?), she'd been at an event with author Dolly Alderton when she'd been asked, how do you know if it's right? Now I don't think I subscribe to the notion of there being 'the one', but this premise resonated so much it's made it into this week's considerations. We often mistake danger for chemistry, fear for excitement (it's not really our fault much of the physiological response in the same). Learn to find the association between the butterflies and the red flags. .

One thing to try this week

Romanticise your life.

As I sit writing this email, with every breath I'm inhaling the freshly brewed coffee I'm meticulously balancing on my belly, covered in my tartan blankets and looking out to the sunrise whilst the rain drops lightly on my window, listening to Omar Apollo on low enough volume so as not to distract me, high enough to fill me ease. 

Or... I'm working at 630am on a bank holiday quite tired from my drive home from Scotland last night. 

I've learned to romanticise my life. This week, actively cherish the beauty of what's around. Smell the flowers. Feel the weight of your person on your body. Smell your babies scent. Christ the cuddle from your 10 year old. Because the more you smell the flowers, the more you'll hear the birds. 


Hear me on diary of a CEO


As if this happened in the 90s