The weekly perspective

One question to ask yourself


How have you changed since you were last in this situation?

A question I posed to a client recently who wants to go into a fat loss phase, but has the fear as when she used to diet, she'd binge eat. I know she's ready & safe to diet, but she has this fear around it that's holding her back. So I set her this journal prompts. If you're considering doing something you've done before, that ended badly every other time, ask yourself this question. 

Something to consider

Scarcity is stressful for the mind, abundance is healing 

I write this with such inherent privilege - the abundance of safety & health that comes with being in my body, in my life. So much so that I questioned whether to include this here. I landed with yes, I would, because it relates to so much of your mindset right now. Food scarcity creates feelings of stress & panic, increasing your overeating tendencies. Love scarcity creates feeling of stress & panic, increasing your risk of red flag diving. Unconditional permission to eat, to drink, to love, I've watched this concept supporting 'healing' in 1000s of people, including myself. 

One thing I'd tell my younger self.

We only obsess over people who are unsafe

Me to my old nervous system, responding to a lack of certainty & safety & me confusing that with attraction. Note: learn the difference between bored & safe (& maybe let me know when you figure it out)

One thing to try this week


Do things dailyish

I started working with a legend recently who self-identifies as a bit of a perfectionist. One week her habits were a sea of green ticks aka 'perfection'. You'd think as a coach I'd celebrate it (I did of course), but I also questioned - why, when I set a moderate target, did you go above & beyond? Because more is better, no? This is a bit of maladaptive perfectionism & can hold us back when we can't do everything 100%, we feel bad, guilt, shame & sack everything off. Consider your 3 key habits for the week (mine are yoga, gym & eating lunch) & aim for a dailyish target

A few things to tell you...

Life advice from Lynn & Anna means this is a pod I rushed to listen to (are they wise or am I not?) & learn how to navigate healthful choices with your kids here

FREE PCOS FAT LOSS GUIDE - have PCOS & want to lose fat? Get this free guide

One more thing...

Please share your favourite stuff.

Thank you all for continuing to share your favourite Monday email quotes. I see them all. I know how much I love seeing impactful quotes from strangers, so it means a lot that you allow me to hopefully be that person for someone else. If there's something you really relate to or know someone who'd benefit from something in this email, please share it and pay it forward. Words are magical, and if I've learned anything from writing these emails to you for years, you never know when someone needs to hear the exact thing you've got to say. 


I choose emotional eating


You're exercising all wrong