The weekly perspective

One question to ask yourself


What story have I been telling myself about my limitations, and how can I rewrite it?

Journal on this -  my favourite ever journaling prompt is, 'the story I'm telling myself about this is...'

Something to consider

Generosity is not about saying yes to everyone. It's about supporting people who live up to your standards of character. 

Helping people who are consistently selfish rewards the wrong behaviour. A key to healthy boundaries is reserving your time for those who respect your time. 
- Adam Grant

Martyrdom. 'Selflessness'. People pleasing. It serves nothing other than to massage your own needs to people please. And in my experience, is a huge source of resentment and fractured connections. 

One thing I'd tell my younger self.

When you give without regard for yourself. you will continue to attract people who only want to take from you

2025. The year you stop people pleasing. The year you put yourself first (at least occasionally...) 

One thing to try this week


Write down 3 boundaries, or intentions around your boundaries, for 2025


If you're stuck, think of a difficult relationship in your life right now with a person or situation. What boundary would make that easier? Is that a boundary that might translate to other areas of your life?

A few things to tell you...

Happy New Year. Thank you for taking the time to read these emails, respond, share and be a part of this space. You are my favourite and in my own personal hard times, I look to this community as a safe space I love to show up for. I wish you the most magical 2025, and if not magical, doable with grace for yourself. 

One more thing...

Please share your favourite stuff.

Thank you all for continuing to share your favourite Monday email quotes. I see them all. I know how much I love seeing impactful quotes from strangers, so it means a lot that you allow me to hopefully be that person for someone else. If there's something you really relate to or know someone who'd benefit from something in this email, please share it and pay it forward. Words are magical, and if I've learned anything from writing these emails to you for years, you never know when someone needs to hear the exact thing you've got to say. 


The least motivating January email you'll receive 


The weekly perspective