The weekly perspective

One question to ask yourself


What are you willing to do, even if no one sees it?

I came across this question in my research around some business marketing content. But how true it is for all parts of life. So many of our actions are driven by others' perceptions, needs, and our want for external validation.

Journal on this - if no one was watching, would you still make the same choices? This can give a really deep insight into your behaviours and habits, and help you figure out if you're doing things for you, in alignment with your values, or for something else...

Something to consider


Beautiful people are made from overcoming.

As I look at my best friends, my family, the coaches I mentor, the clients I work with, I think - what would our connection be if you hadn't been through that? I know if my life had been straight and boring and trauma-free, I'd still be teaching in a uni, a curriculum I didn't write, for a (very much underpaid) salary, and a hell of a lot of untapped potential. I wouldn't have any stories to share or wisdom (ish) to write about. I wouldn't have met most of my best friends today. The most interesting people in life are those who have overcome. I love to hear their stories and learn how they grew through their pain. It gives me hope that I will continue to overcome mine, and reminds me that we are all colourful blossoms in what may otherwise be a very grey world. Keep overcoming... 

One thing I'd tell my younger self.


"Spend your life loving - not seeking love” - Dr Jaiya John

We spend so much time looking for love (more often than not, romantic), that we miss the opportunity for joy and connection that comes with giving love (in spaces more than romantically). Where can you give more love this week?

One thing to try this week


"Soon is not as good as now" - Seth Godin

Life is full of unmet 'soons'. So much resentment is born from 'soon I wills'.

What one thing have you been saying you'll do 'soon'? Do it this week.

A few things to tell you...

It's your last 7 days to get hours of free evidence-based nutrition content with EIQ here (and when you pass, get £200 of the entire course!). After this week, it'll be gone forever.

Why are women afraid of making money? Did TLC screw us over? Learn your worth (and your challenges) here.

Breast feeding tax, collagen, managing your language around food and more - listen to the EIQ Nutrition pod here

Learn how NOT to stop binge eating here.

One more thing...

Please share your favourite stuff.

I'm really trying to have a more positive impact this year (it's where this Monday email spawned from). If there's something you really relate to or know someone who'd benefit from something in this email, please share it and pay it forward. Words are magical, and if I've learned anything from writing these emails to you for years, you never know when someone needs to hear the exact thing you've got to say. 


Learning from the urge to binge


Connect to your Body Meditation