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The weekly perspective

One question to ask yourself


Why do I care?

I see you, overthinking, over analysing, judging, questioning. So much mental energy going into things that really, need not concern you, that you have no control over,  can't change, yet here you are. When you notice the voices loud in your head, the thoughts ruminating, ask yourself, why do I care? Maybe you'll get some insight into what's going on for you, maybe you'll be left wondering and can let it go. Free up your time for more useful endeavours.

Something to consider

We're all just making things up as we go along

We spend so much time wondering if we're doing the right thing, making the right choice, on the right path. A phrase that's soothed me recently is the above, because who really knows? The only thing I know to be true is that I'm making things up as I go along, and I probably will forever more. Our decisions aren't wrong, they're the best we can do in that moment with the tools we have. So lighten up a little if you can, we may all be in different boats but we're all heading to an unknown destination, the right one for us, in the end.

One thing I'd tell my younger self.

Let go of the fantasy you've created in your head and accept the reality of what is

Stop romanticising the stories you're telling yourself about them, your situation, the potential. How are things, as they are, right now? What stories in your head are you clinging on to in the hope they become reality?

One thing to try this week


Change your default from 'maybe I'm wrong', to 'maybe I'm right'

Yes I know it's not that easy. But also yes you can change your default with sufficient practice and intent. I wonder what your actions will look like this week, if you consider you're right in them, instead of wrong?

A few things to tell you...

Next weekend is the ETPHD day of body reconnection - I'm going to be leading a session that will help you develop that inner knowing you've ignored for so long. There are 10 tickets left, so if you're not doing anything next Saturday, come along (solo attendees encouraged, most people are!)

Get your tickets and find out more here

I had a few 100s replies to my email last week checking in 1-1 on how you are. What I found quite hard was the number of you who'd resigned yourself to the fact there's no hope for you, whilst others resigned yourself to doing things that are harmful for you because it feels easier. I wish I could make you believe there's another way, that you can achieve health and free yourself from these behaviours & and lingering habits, but only you can do that. I want to help you, ETPHD can help you, but you need to take the first step

Take the first step here

How do you start setting boundaries without changing who you are and becoming an asshole? Find out here

If you're a coach reading this, I almost guarantee you're someone who puts your clients, your care, your compassion before your money making... You can care about money without sacrificing the care you give your clients. Find out how here

Are vegan omega 3s as good as fish? Are you really lactose intolerant? Find out here

The unspoken mental load of pregnancy is something I've come to discover is so universal - no one, not even the most supportive partner in the world, can understand the constant thoughts and feelings going on for you right now, but Lynn & I tried here

One more thing...

Please share your favourite stuff.

Thank you all for continuing to share your favourite Monday email quotes. I see them all. I know how much I love seeing impactful quotes from strangers, so it means a lot that you allow me to hopefully be that person for someone else. f there's something you really relate to or know someone who'd benefit from something in this email, please share it and pay it forward. Words are magical, and if I've learned anything from writing these emails to you for years, you never know when someone needs to hear the exact thing you've got to say.

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