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The weekly perspective

One question to ask yourself


What one thing will I do differently this week?

Routine & structure are beautiful for creating feelings of contentment & productivity (& therefore worth am I right millennials?). But pattern interrupts are one of the greatest tools for energy creation, productivity & bringing us back to our values. This might look like working in a new coffee shop (or simply getting out of your party pjs if you're a home worker), a new form of movement, a different breakfast option, or meeting a new person. 

Journal on this - where has your routine become hindering? What parts of a healthful life are you missing due to stagnancy in your routine?

Something to consider

"The practices that carry the greatest potential for transformative change are usually counter-instinctual" - Bruce Tift

Change rarely feels right. The actions that propel us forwards rarely feel comfortable. Staying stagnant, although cognitively frustrating, may feel like the safest thing in the world.

Journal on this - where are you staying safe? What forwards movement are you avoiding due to discomfort? What discomfort could you be mistaking for wrong?

One thing I'd tell my younger self.

Be bothered 

You can thank my mum for this one - she had a conversation with a friend of hers who brought up this idea of in the moment affirming to 'be bothered'. In those moments when you can't be bothered doing the thing that's going to support you (yoga, meditation, keeping a social plan, journaling, vocalising a boundary, putting on your make up, taking off your make up, washing your hair...). These moments we're given to show up for ourselves, often we're too rushed or 'too busy' to stop & be bothered to do them. These simple words can remind us of their importance & serve as a gentle reminder to make the effort. 

One thing to try this week


Create an internal alarm for 'shouldn'ts'

Whenever I hear myself say (or think) the words, 'I shouldn't', I like to get curious about where that 'shouldn't' has come from. Who says I 'shouldn't' eat this? Who says I 'shouldn't' vocalise that want or need? Who says I 'shoudn't' have another almond croissant? Check how many times you repeat it to yourself this week - usually these 'shouldn'ts' are a really clear sign of spaces for self-awareness & development that would still benefit from a bit of intention 

A few things to tell you...

Always hungry? Struggle to ever feel full? Here's why that is

I learned about boom & bust energy cycles, that constant fluctuation & up & down we get in energy that triggers unhelpful behaviours & feelings of exhaustion - learn how to manage them & balancing 'unhealthy foods' with food neutrality here

Does the oestrogen in cows milk & dairy increase your risk of disease? This was a super interesting EIQ live

Can you handle criticism as a coach? What does a work life balance actually look like? Listen here

One more thing...

Please share your favourite stuff.

Thank you all for continuing to share your favourite Monday email quotes. I see them all. I know how much I love seeing impactful quotes from strangers, so it means a lot that you allow me to hopefully be that person for someone else. f there's something you really relate to or know someone who'd benefit from something in this email, please share it and pay it forward. Words are magical, and if I've learned anything from writing these emails to you for years, you never know when someone needs to hear the exact thing you've got to say. 

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