The Real Reason You Can't Change Your Habits
I’ve more wrinkles on my face than I should have, and more than I would have, had I started wearing sunscreen on my face earlier than I did. I knew that I should be wearing sunscreen, I was told 100s of times about the potential implications, yet I chose not to wear it consistently until I was about 35 years old
Part of this was because as millennials the only fake tan we could buy gave us acne for weeks but that’s besides the point and a definite false scapegoat for my actions
I don’t really have regrets but not wearing enough sunscreen is one of them
The reality though is that we can find a lesson in my youthful naivety and that lesson is that knowing information simply isn’t enough to change your behaviour
I knew that sunscreen could potentially save my life and save my wrinkles but the reality was I didn't respect my body enough to wear it
I know that sunscreen would reduce my aging spots but the reality was that I didn't know how to prioritise long-term gratification over short term benefit
It's the same for you
Knowing that consuming an entire tub of ben and jerrys won’t support your fat loss doesn’t stop you from eating it and knowing that having the full large stuffed crust Dominos pizza beforehand will put you into a calorie surplus won’t stop you from ordering it
Of course, there is absolutely space for mindful enjoyment of both of these foods in moderation within the context of an overall healthful diet as well as a fat loss journey and cutting these foods out completely is never the answer
But the fact is that changing your habits isn’t about willpower or knowledge, it’s about awareness
You know how to lose fat – you know it’s a calorie deficit brought about by eating fewer calories than you expend so why do you struggle with continued yo-yo dieting and what feels like an inability to maintain any fat you do lose?
You know that to stop binge eating you need to eat regularly (yes, even you) yet you continue to train fasted and convince yourself that it’s different for you because you’re just not hungry in the morning and continue to find yourself binge eating
You know that to regain your period you need to eat in a calorie surplus yet continue to eat fewer calories than you expend and choose low-fat versions of food whilst piling up your plate with endless volumes of vegetables
You have the knowledge, you just aren’t making space for the curiosity and awareness as to why you're doing these things
What makes you choose the alternative?
What purpose are these behaviours serving for you?
How do those choices feel in your body in those moments?
This weekend ask yourself, why am I reaching for food right now?
Then make a decision based on your answer, on the most supportive choice for you right now
When you do commit to action ask yourself, how does this truly feel in my body?
How does it taste?
How does it feel on digestion?
These are questions we ask ETPHD clients on the regular and answering them is one of the key reasons the legends we work with get lifelong lasting results
Click here to change your food habits and life for good
Stop looking for new rules to follow and diet hacks to adopt and reasons why you’re the exception not the rule
Instead, approach the weekend with curiosity and compassion and see what comes up for you
Have a wonderful weekend,
I’m always here,
Em x